22-27 Sep 2014 Strasbourg (France)

Schedule > Program

Updated 18 Sep 2014

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21 September, Sunday

16:00 - 19:00  Registration    


22 September, Monday

08:00 -     Registration

09:30     Opening remarks

              Oral session A1 (Chairperson: Ratcliffe Norman)

09:45     Plenary A1: Wikelski Martin – Open questions and technological advances in terrestrial animal tracking.

10:15     OA-01: Righton David – Spatial segregation of ocean migrating Atlantic salmon.

10:30     OA-02: Meekan Mark – Why do whale sharks get so big? Ecological drivers of the evolution of body size in the world's largest fish.

                            Coffee break

11:30     OA-03: Mansfield Kate – First satellite tracks of yearling sea turtles provide new insight on the “lost years” oceanic niche.

11:45     OA-04: Conners Melinda – Shadowed by scale: Important behavioral states of foraging Hawaiian albatross revealed with fine-scale GPS data-loggers.

12:00     OA-05: Tarroux Arnaud – Disentangling effects of oceanography and individual states on foraging patterns of a long-lived seabird.

12:15     OA-06: Prudor Aurélien – Impact of environmental variability and extreme events on foraging of tropical seabirds.


13:30     Poster session

              Oral session A2 (Chairperson: Roquet Fabien)

14:30     Plenary A2: Hindell Mark – In praise of big bio-logging data sets.

15:00     OA-07: D'ovidio Francesco – Integrating high resolution tracking data with the meso- and submesoscale dynamics of the open ocean.

15:15     OA-08: Goetz Kimberly – Seasonal habitat preference and foraging behavior of a top Antarctic predator, the Weddell seal.

15:30     OA-09: Blanchet Marie-Anne – Living on the edge: harbour seals in the high Arctic.

15:45     OA-10: Guinet Christophe – Finding food at the best price: the cost of foraging in relation to habitat in southern elephant seals.

              Coffee break

              Oral session A3 (Chairperson: Lea Mary-Anne)

16:45     OA-11: Fedak Mike – A strategic approach to the study of oceanic heat flow to the Pine Island Glacier: the role of ocean data collected by seals in in relation to that of other modalities used in the iStar Ocean2ice Project.

17:00     OA-12: Scheffer Annette – Foraging areas of macaroni penguins (Eudyptes chrysolophus) in the south Atlantic and south Indian Ocean.

17:15     OA-13: Sugishita Junichi – Is it advantageous for albatrosses to forage near fishing vessels? An integrated approach using chick weight gain as a proxy for benefit.

17:30     OA-14: McInnes Alistair – Foraging strategies of breeding African penguins Spheniscus demersus in relation to fine-scale distribution and abundance of pelagic fish species.

17:45     OA-15: Fort Jérôme – Spatial ecotoxicology: combining biotelemetry to pollutant analyses to investigate the origin of Arctic seabird contamination.

18:00     OA-16: Russell Debbie – Visualisation of the use of anthropogenic structures by marine mammals.

18:15     OA-17: Schneider Manuel – Analysing behaviour of grazers in heterogeneous terrain using high-frequency GPS tracking.

19:00     Icebreaker



23 September, Tuesday

              Oral session B1 (Chairperson: Takahashi Akinori)

08:30     Plenary B1: Fryxell John – Remote sensing of behavior, energetic constraints, and movement ecology of woodland.

09:00     OB-01: De Grissac Sophie – The Early life at sea of juveniles albatrosses and petrels: a comparative study.

09:15     OB-02: Adachi Taiki – Searching prey in 3D environment: hierarchical foraging behaviour of northern elephant seals.

09:30     OB-03: Aguilar De Soto Natacha – Sharing the wealth, a cost-benefit analysis of niche segregation in deep-diving pilot and beaked whales.

09:45     OB-04: Orben Rachael – Bigger is not always better: Body size predicts individual winter foraging strategies of thick-billed murres (Uria lomvia) in the Bering Sea.

10:00     OB-05: Horning Markus – In cold blood: evidence of sleeper shark predation on Steller sea lions from Life History Transmitter implants.

              Coffee break

              Oral session B2 (Chairperson: Stimpert Alison)

11:00     OB-06: Rutz Christian – Using proximity loggers to map social-network dynamics in wild, free-ranging birds.

11:15     OB-07: Vazquez Diosdado Jorge Alberto – Detection of welfare problems in dairy cows using a real time local positioning system.

11:30     OB-08: Wisniewska Danuta – Targeting fast prey in shallow waters: Predator-prey interactions revealed by echolocation.

11:45     OB-09: Vacquié Garcia Jade – Foraging in the deep dark of the Southern Ocean for luminous prey.

12:00     OB-10: Papastamatiou Yannis – Behavioural routines and central place refuging in a marine predator that never stops swimming.

12:15     OB-11: Hooker Sascha – Images as proximity sensors: recording conspecific Antarctic fur seals at sea.


13:30     Poster session

              Oral session B3 (Chairperson: Heide-Jørgensen Mads Peter)

14:30     OB-12: Fuiman Lee – Foraging tactics of Weddell seals in McMurdo Sound, Antarctica, and their changes with seasonal variations in ambient light.

14:45     OB-13: Christiansen Fredrik – High-resolution Fastloc GPS telemetry reveals fine-scale diel movement patterns and habitat use in grazing sea turtles: links to predation threat and optimisation of resource acquisition.

15:00     OB-14: McHuron Elizabeth – Foraging strategies of California sea lions at the individual and rookery level.

15:15     OB-15: Swift Rene – Prey type and density predict the foraging behaviour and kinematics of two sympatric baleen whale species, fin and humpback whales.

15:30     OB-16: Bodey Thomas – Net gains: Seabird movement reveals the ecological footprint of fishing vessels.

15:45     OB-17: Friedlaender Ari – Feeding rates and under-ice foraging strategies of the smallest bulk-filter feeder, the Antarctic minke whale (Balaenoptera bonaerensis).

              Coffee break                              

              Oral session B4 (Chairperson: Shepard Emily)

16:45     OB-18: Yovel Yossi – On-board GPS monitoring reveals that wild bats aggregate to improve foraging, but are impaired when conspecific density becomes too high.

17:00     OB-19: Goetsch Chandra – Specific foraging behaviors are associated with different diets in northern elephant seals (Mirounga angustirostris).

17:15     OB-20: Jeanniard-Du-Dot Tiphaine – Can acceleration data help to accurately estimate foraging behaviours and efficiencies of free-ranging fur seals?

17:30     OB-21: Williams Hannah – What can accelerometry tell us about soaring flight?

17:45     OB-22: Jorgensen Salvador – Locomotory patterns and energetics of the northeastern Pacific white shark, a long-distance oceanic migrator.

18:00     OB-23: Bestley Sophie – Taking animal tracking to new depths: synthesising vertical and horizontal movement relationships across multiple marine predators.

18:15     OB-24: Thiebault Andréa – Going further in seabird tracking: from observing patterns to understanding processes.



24 September, Wednesday

09:00     Workshops

              WS-1: Body temperature measurement in free ranging animals (Salon Rohan)

              WS-2: How can bio-logging advance our understanding of flight? (Salle Schuman)

              WS-3: A picture is worth a thousand words: bio-logging as a tool for collecting video footage and still images of animal behaviour (Salle Oberlin)

              WS-4: Wildlife Satellite Telemetry (Sallon Leicester)

19:00     Banquet (L’Ancienne Douane)



25 September, Thursday

              Oral session B5 (Chairperson: Gleiss Adrian)   

08:30     Plenary B2: Wilson Rory – In search of a new movement framework based on energetics.

09:00     OB-25: Miyata Naoyuki – Japanese sea bass repeated short excursion to freshwater around salinoedge: Foraging behavior under constraint of salinity adaptation.

09:15     OB-26: Malkemper E. Pascal – Novel techniques to assess spontaneous magnetic behavior in predatory foxes and other free roaming animals.

09:30     OB-27: Watanabe Yuuki – Ecological significance of endothermy in fishes: do they swim faster?

09:45     OB-28: Loretto Matthias-Claudio – Fission-fusion dynamics in wild non-breeding ravens (Corvus corax).

10:00     OB-29: Fossette Sabrina – Swim or strand: accelerometry and particle tracking model reveal the importance of rheotaxis to jellyfish dispersal and survival.

              Coffee break

              Oral session B6 (Chairperson: Shamoun-Baranes Judy)

11:00     OB-30: Sims David – Scale-free behaviour patterns detected in diverse marine predators: what do they mean and why should we get excited?

11:15     OB-31: Sousa Lara – Satellite tracking the world's heaviest bony fish: Movements and behaviour of the ocean sunfish (Mola mola) in the northeast Atlantic.

11:30     OB-32: Kölzsch Andrea – Goose family behaviour explored with accelerometers and high-frequency GPS.

11:45     OB-33: Gilbert Nathalie – Are white storks addicted to “Junk Food”? Habitat selection and identification of behaviour by the white stork (Ciconia ciconia) from newly developed GPS/GSM data loggers and tri-axial accelerometer data.

12:00     OB-34: Thygesen Uffe – Vertical migrations of bigeye tuna: Predictions from a dynamic optimal foraging model.

12:15     OB-35: Åkesson Susanne – Continental-wide tracking of swifts.


13:30     Poster session

              Oral session D1 (Chairperson: Weise Michael)

14:30     Plenary D: McMahon Clive – Biologging acrobatics: balancing the need for research and animal welfare in a vibrant research environment.

15:00     OD-01: Mulero Margarita – Use of Unmanned Aerial Systems for gathering data from animals marked with GPS collars in Doñana National Park (southwest of Spain).

15:15     OD-02: Pichegru Lorien – Experimental fishing exclusions for penguins in South Africa - A success story.

15:30     OD-03: Andrews Russel – Improving attachments of remotely-deployed dorsal fin-mounted tags: tissue structure, hydrodynamics, in situ performance, and tagged-animal follow-up.

15:45     OD-04: Block Barbara – Monitoring ecosystems with biologging: The challenges and frontiers.

              Coffee break

              Oral session D2 (Chairperson: Evans Karen)

16:45     OD-05: Jones T. Todd – Electronic tagging studies of pelagic fish: Implications of drag on tag retention and data applicability.

17:00     OD-06: Metcalfe Julian – Hooked on acceleration.

17:15     OD-07: Bidder Owen – A Movement Ecology Toolkit: Novel biotelemetry methodologies for elucidating animal behaviour and location.

17:30     OD-08: Murphy Christin – An animal-borne datalogger records vibrations from seal whiskers during hydrodynamic trail following.

17:45     OD-09: Shorter Alex – Concurrent measures of fine-scale behaviors and basic oceanographic parameters in the veined squid, Loligo forbesi.

18:00     OD-10: Humphries Nicolas E. – Unravelling GPS tag data: A simple, objective method for the identification of steps and turns in movement paths.

18:15     OD-11: Tyack Peter – A biologging approach to studying acoustic communication.



26 September, Friday

              Oral session C1 (Chairperson: Hawkes Lucy)

08:30     Plenary C1: Costa Daniel – Advances in field physiology.

09:00     OC-01: Miller Patrick – Body density and diving lung volume of northern bottlenose whales (Hyperoodon ampullatus) derived from analysis of hydrodynamic performance during glides.

09:15     OC-02: Whitney Nick – Hook, line, and sinker? Accelerometers to assess post-release mortality and recovery periods in coastal sharks.

09:30     OC-03: Williams Cassondra – Blood oxygen depletion patterns and heart rate in a cold-blooded diver, the loggerhead turtle.

09:45     OC-04: Bishop Charles – Locomotion dynamics and heart rate of migrating bar-headed geese (Anser indicus).

10:00     OC-05: Portugal Steven – Bright nights, costly mornings: increases in night-time body temperature correspond with brightness of the moon and cloudless nights in wintering barnacle geese (Branta leucopsis).

              Coffee break

              Oral session C2 (Chairperson: Mellish Jo-Ann)

11:00     OC-06: Ponganis Paul – How to dive deep: Heart rate and blood oxygen profiles in California sea lions.

11:15     OC-07: Tift Michael – Gliding down and stroking up: Blood oxygen depletion and exercise intensity in California sea lions.

11:30     OC-08: Hindle Allyson – Endothermy at the poles: understanding air/water thermoregulation in free-ranging Weddell seals by skin surface heat flux.

11:45     OC-09: Furukawa Seishiro – Switching of gill-ventilation modes in freely-swimming sailfish revealed by video/speed/depth/acceleration data-loggers.

12:00     OC-10: Madsen Peter T. – Playing tag with the biggest nose on record: Biomechanics of air-driven sound production in deep-diving sperm whales.

12:15     OC-11: Johnson Mark – Where's the air? Sound recording tags on deep diving whales reveal nasal air movements.


13:30     Poster session


              Oral session C3 (Chairperson: Handrich Yves)

14:30     Plenary C2: Simon Chantal – Stakes and challenges of physical activity evaluation in relation to health in humans.

15:00     OC-12: Evans Alina – Drivers of den entry and exit behavior in the brown bear.

15:15     OC-13: McDonald Birgitte – Big hearts, small bodies, and cold water: Diving heart rate in harbor porpoises.

15:30     OC-14: Roos Marjoleine – The significance of respiration frequency and timing in the energetics of killer whales (Orcinus orca).

15:45     OC-15: Van Der Hoop Julie – Acoustic parameters as indicators of metabolic rate in Tursiops truncatus.

              Coffee break

16:45     OC-16: Graf Patricia – Diving behaviour and energetics of a semi-aquatic, shallow-diving species: The Eurasian beaver (Castor fiber).

17:00     OC-17: Willener Astrid – Reassessment of the cardio-respiratory stress response: accounting for stress-associated movement.

17:15     OC-18   Grémillet David – Energetic fitness: linking metabolic effort derived from accelerometry data with Darwinian fitness.

17:30     Closing remarks


27 September, Saturday

09:00     Workshops at IPHC, CNRS

              WS-5: Variability in the movement patterns of marine predator populations: physiological, behavioural and environmental drivers. A CLIOTOP WG2 workshop (Salle Kandinsky)

              WS-6: Linking marine predator behavior to prey fields (Amphithéâtre Grünwald)

              WS-7: Making tags work (Salle Mondrian)


Poster presentation


PA-01    Torres Leigh – Transferable species distribution models of a pelagic seabird link ecology, oceanography and conservation.

PA-02    Miyazaki Nobuyuki – New advanced devices tell us meaningful information on habitat use of Japanese sea bass and application to Integrated Coastal Management.

PA-03    Heupel Michelle – Location, location, location: variability in grey reef shark movements.

PA-04    Whitehead Thomas – Foraging ecology of crested penguins during the pre-moult stage at Marion Island.

PA-05    Cannell Belinda – Neighbouring little penguin colonies in Western Australia exhibit different responses to climate change.

PA-06    Pollet Ingrid – Breeding and overwinter movements of Leach's storm-petrels, Oceanodroma leucorhoa.

PA-07    Peterson Sarah – Elephant seals: biologgers of contaminants in the mesopelagic North Pacific.

PA-08    Baylis Alastair – Multiple foraging strategies of adult female southern sea lions (Otaria flavescens) breeding at the Falkland Islands.

PA-09    Roquet Fabien – Seals are valuable auxiliaries to observing the Southern Ocean.

PA-10    Hamilton Charmain – Ringed seals in a changing world: effects of declining sea ice extent on behaviour and movement patterns.

PA-11    Cerqueira Ferreira Luciana – Large scale tracking and home range of an apex predator.

PA-12    Merkel Benjamin – The Barents Sea - Polar bear habitat in a changing climate?

PA-13    Gordine Samantha Alex – Detecting buoyancy changes from compressed dive profiles using a step-wise filtering method.

PA-14    Warwick-Evans Victoria – Time-in-area represents foraging activity in a wide-ranging pelagic forager.

PA-15    Pinto Cecilia – Interpreting the movement behaviour of an endangered marine apex predator.

PA-16    Scales Kylie – On the front line: composite front mapping for investigating oceanographic drivers of habitat use by marine predators.

PA-17    Stier Anna – Argos tracking to understand the ecology and behaviour of agami herons.

PA-18    Angel Lauren – GPS and accelerometry data reveal inter-annual variation in the foraging effort of Australasian gannets.

PA-19    Evans Karen – Multi-decadal variability in the spatial dynamics of southern bluefin tuna.

PA-20    Eichhorn Götz – Northern lapwings Vanellus vanellus tracked year(s)-round by light-level geolocation.

PA-21    Kuhn Carey – Linking northern fur seal behavior with prey distributions: the impact of temporal mismatch between predator and prey surveys.

PA-22    Bograd Steven – WhaleWatch: Integrating blue whale satellite telemetry and oceanographic data to develop habitat models for conservation and management.

PA-23    Schaeffer Paul – Thermal biology and habitat selection in box turtles (Terrepene carolina).

PA-24    Jumeau Jonathan – Use of wildlife underpasses by small mammals through a road interchange.

PA-25    Della Penna Alice – Moving and foraging in a flowing environment: how do marine predators respond to turbulence?

PA-26    McIntyre Trevor – Behavioural and environmental correlates with foraging success of southern elephant seals from Marion Island.

PA-27    Takahashi Akinori – From individual prey capture to reproductive success: exploring the link between foraging behavior and reproduction in Adélie penguins.

PA-28    Jeglinski Jana – Predicting population-level foraging habitat use in the endangered Galapagos sea lion using Generalised Functional Responses.

PA-29    Orben Rachael – Extrinsic and intrinsic factors influence the winter migrations of black-legged kittiwakes (Rissa tridactyla) in the North Pacific.

PA-30    Bestley Sophie – Prediction of krill swarm characteristics driving a marine predator “hotspot” region in East Antarctica.

PA-31    Kienle Sarah – Population-level foraging variability in a mesopelagic predator, male northern elephant seals (Mirounga angustirostris).

PA-32    Arthur Benjamin – Commute or migrate? Differing winter foraging strategies of Antarctic fur seals revealed through multi-dimensional tracking.

PA-34    Currey Leanne – A mobile predator? Variable space and depth use patterns of an exploited coral reef fish.

PA-35    Currey Leanne – Environmental drivers of depth use by an exploited reef fish.

PA-36    London Josh – Dive behavior and spatial variability of bearded, ribbon and spotted seals in the Bering and Chukchi Seas.

PA-37    Hochscheid Sandra – ARGOS or GSM? Also loggerhead turtles can call us to communicate their location.

PA-38    Studholme Katharine – Non-breeding season effects on reproduction and genetic structuring in rhinoceros auklets from three colonies in British Columbia, Canada.

PA-39    Jones Esther – Quantifying the variation in scale and magnitude of grey and harbour seal responses to their environment.

PA-40    Rojano-Doñate Laia – Where to do what? Spatial distribution and foraging behaviour of harbour seals (Phoca vitulina) in the Wadden Sea.

PA-41    Clay Tommy – Predicting population-level differences in the distribution of non-breeding albatrosses.

PA-43    Cagnacci Francesca – Biologging across space and time: studying a terrestrial species at its distribution range scale.

PA-45    Ratcliffe Norman – Do krill fisheries compete with macaroni penguins? Spatial overlap in prey consumption and catches during winter.

PA-46    Pirotta Enrico – Fin whale movements within and beyond the Pelagos Sanctuary: should we reconsider its boundaries?

PA-47    Heerah Karine – From high-resolution to low-resolution dive datasets: a new index to quantify the foraging effort of marine predators.

PA-48    O'Toole Malcolm – Making the link: higher trophic biomass gives new insight into fine-scale foraging behaviour of southern elephant seals from Kerguelen Island.

PA-49    Dias Maria – Tracking ocean wanderers: BirdLife International's seabird tracking database as a conservation tool.

PA-50    Labrousse Sara – What are southern elephant seals looking for? Long trip from Kerguelen to the Antarctic zone: The length and breadth of the mystery.

PA-52    Zydelis Ramūnas – Studying common crane (Grus grus) flight characteristics by high resolution GPS telemetry.

PA-53    Cotté Cédric – Importance of marine circulation on the flexible foraging ecology of top predators.

PA-54    Teilmann Jonas – Acoustic tags on wild harbour porpoises reveal context-specific reactions.

PA-55    Trudelle Laurène – Wintering habitat preferences of humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae) tagged in Madagascar using habitat modelling.

PA-56    Boveng Peter – Long-term tracking reveals winter site fidelity of bearded seals in the Bering Sea.

PA-58    Gleiss Adrian – How does temperature impact the performance of ectotherms? Lessons from accelerometers deployed on largetooth sawfish (Pristis pristis).

PA-60    Dagys Mindaugas – Tracking red-throated divers: from wintering to breeding and back.

PA-62    Huckstadt Luis – Differences in patterns of habitat utilization of Weddell and crabeater seals along their circumpolar distributions: responding to local conditions.

PA-63    Hennicke Janos – Year in, year out in dire straits: Foraging movements and habitat utilisation by Abbott's boobies in oligotrophic tropical waters during breeding, migration and non-breeding.

PA-64    Villegas-Amtmann Stella – Adapted to change: Low energy requirements for Galapagos sea lions in an environment with low and unpredictable productivity.

PA-65    Dyndo Monika – The establishment of captive and wild-born juvenile grey seals released in the Baltic Sea.

PA-66    De Los Reyes Gonzalez Jose Manuel – Multi-year spatial consistency in foraging grounds: the case of the Cory's shearwater (Calonectris borealis) in the Canary Current upwelling.

PA-67    Bon Cécile – Use of eddies and associated structures by diving top predators: macaroni penguin in the Crozet islands.

PA-68    Schick Robert – Estimating resource acquisition and at-sea body condition of a marine predator.

PA-69    Widmann Michel – Foraging strategies of Adélie penguin (Pygoscelis adeliae) throughout the breeding season and with changing sea-ice conditions.

PB-01    Georges Jean-Yves – Estimating time-budget in freshwater turtles using animal-borne simple sensors.

PB-02    Sueur Cédric – Do random flight analyses highlight animal performances? Influence of individual characteristics on Lévy flight patterns in a wild seabird.

PB-03    Heide-Jørgensen Mads Peter – Stomach temperature of narwhals (Monodon monoceros) during feeding events.

PB-04    Fregosi Selene – Integration of an active acoustic playback system with an animal-borne sensor suite for behavioral response studies.

PB-05    Fehlmann Gaëlle – Understanding and predicting baboon space use in a human altered landscape.

PB-06    Corman Anna-Marie – What flight heights tell us about foraging and potential conflicts with wind farms: a case study in lesser black-backed gulls.

PB-07    Gall Gabriella – Individual strategies in group coordination: the role of spatial organisation and vocal signaling.

PB-08    Curé Charlotte – Anti-predator responses of cetaceans to killer whale sound playbacks.

PB-10    Stimpert Alison – Fin whale calling behavior assessed using high-resolution accelerometry.

PB-12    Krietsch Johannnes – Movement patterns of brown skuas during the non-breeding period: internal vs. environmental drivers.

PB-13    Portugal Steven – No back seat driving in pigeon flocks: Navigational scrounging or alternative homing strategies?

PB-14    Chaise Laureline – Habitat use and movement patterns of southern elephant seals during their moult.

PB-15    Steingass Sheanna – Foraging behavior of the Pacific harbor seal (phoca vitulina richardii) in the Pacific Northwest and potential impacts of coastal hypoxia on foraging efficiency.

PB-16    Tracey Sean – Exploring movement and behavior of southern bluefin tuna caught and released in coastal regions around southeast Australia.

PB-17    Meyer Xavier – How hydrodynamic handicaps modify complex diving behavioural organization of two deep diving predators.

PB-18    Linnebjerg Jannie – Year-round movement behaviour of Brünnich's guillemots.

PB-19    Kane Suzanne – When hawks attack: video studies of goshawk pursuit strategies.

PB-20    Wilson Kenady – iSeals: Integrating multiple technologies to understand the foraging behavior of monk seals in the main Hawaiian Islands.

PB-21    Takatsuki Naoki – Effects of body size, school size and diel period on the degree of association with drifting seaweeds in juvenile Seriola spp., determined by video-logger and GPS satellite telemetry.

PB-24    Gesta Mathieu – Ontogenic changes in the foraging behaviour of naive southern elephant seal pups using a new generation of onboard data processing and satellite data relayed tag.

PB-25    Berlincourt Maud – GPS tracking reveals fine scale colony-specific foraging behaviour and habitat use in the short-tailed shearwater.

PB-26    Ponchon Aurore – Intense prospecting movements of failed breeders nesting among failed conspecifics.

PB-27    Dell'omo Giacomo – Identification of shearwater's behaviour by mean of accelerometers and GPS loggers.

PB-28    Woillez Mathieu – A HMM-based model to geolocate pelagic fish from high-resolution individual temperature and depth histories: European sea bass as a case study.

PB-29    Steinert Sally – Continuous, automatic, location recording in a wild house mouse population.

PB-30    Davis Randall – Classification of free-ranging Weddell seal dives during the late winter based on three-dimensional movements and video-recorded prey capture.

PB-31    Smith Jennifer – Identifying behavioural characteristics of habitat use in juvenile New Zealand sea lions using a state-space model.

PB-32    Krause Douglas – Novel leopard seal (Hydrurga leptonyx) foraging behavior revealed using integrated diving, surface position, and video instruments.

PB-33    Shero Michelle – Weddell seal overwinter dive behavior in the Ross Sea: Are animals approaching physiological limits to support gestation?

PB-34    Fais Andrea – Echolocating sperm whales and their prey: No big bangs, but buzzing and chasing.

PB-35    Joumaa Joffrey – Adjustment of diving behaviour with prey encounters and body condition in a deep diving predator: the southern elephant seal.

PB-36    Bastian Thomas – Acoustically tracking the lion's mane jellyfish: horizontal and vertical movements of Cyanea capillata (Scyphozoa) in a shallow coastal environment.

PB-37    Naito Yasuhiko – How deep divers maximize energy gain with law foraging efficiency within limited foraging time: a case study of continuous deep diving behavior of northern elephant seal.

PB-38    Ware Colin – New and improved ways to estimate propulsive body acceleration of marine mammals.

PB-39    Chudzińska Magda – Foraging behaviour, energetics and migration currency of capital breeders during spring migration estimated from satellite telemetry.

PB-40    Wege Mia – Inter and intra-individual directional foraging fidelity of lactating Subantarctic fur seals from Marion Island.

PB-41    Akiyama Yu – Effect of prey density on lunge feeding manner of humpback whales Megaptera novaeangliae in Iceland.

PB-42    Doyle Thomas – Getting more from your tag - timing of data acquisition provides insights on blue shark surfacing behaviour.

PB-43    Chapple Taylor – Coupling cameras with daily diary tags to study the kinematics and behavior of white shark (Carcharodon carcharias).

PB-44    Le Bras Yves – Influence of the diving behaviour of a southern elephant seal on the distance traveled at surface with respect to the oceanic currents and fishing success.

PB-45    McGovern Kristen – Diving behavior and foraging strategies of southern elephant seals.

PB-46    Blackwell Susanna – First deployment of an acoustic tag on an East Greenland narwhal.

PB-47    Yoshino Kaori – Prey encounter rates and diving effort of female northern elephant seals during post-breeding and post-molt migration.

PB-48    Oksanen Sari – What do movements of Baltic ringed seals reveal us from seal-fishery interaction?

PB-49    Lédée Elodie – Movement pattern and habitat use of giant trevally Caranx ignobilis in offshore reef habitats.

PB-50    Nakamura Itsumi – Positive buoyancy of deep-sea sharks assisted diurnal vertical migration.

PB-51    Tsuyuki Atsushi – Activity patterns of the black sea bream around oyster rafts in Hiroshima bay, Seto-Inland Sea, Japan.

PB-52    Iwata Takashi – Experiences of prey-capture in the past 2-3 dives influenced the traveling of Antarctic fur seals.

PB-53    Niemi Marja – Seasonal activity patterns of the endangered Saimaa ringed seal.

PB-54    Gill Lisa – Straight from the jackdaw's beak - biologging in bioacoustic research.

PB-56    Makiguchi Yuya – Sperm economy in semelparous salmonid species, chum salmon.

PB-57    Nielsen Nynne – Harbour porpoises from West Greenland: Ocean-farers and deep divers.

PB-58    Sommerfeld Julia – The individual counts: Within sex differences in foraging strategies are as important as sex-specific differences in masked boobies.

PB-59    Hartog Jason – Preferred habitat of southern bluefin tuna around Australia.

PB-60    Yoshida Makoto – Variation in activity patterns of non-native channel catfish observed in river and lake.

PB-61    Steinfurth Antje – Spatial and temporal variability in foraging behaviour of northern rockhopper penguins, Eudyptes moseleyi, a comparison between the Tristan da Cunha archipelago and Gough Island.

PB-62    Burke Lauren – Migration and carry-over effects in tree swallows (Tachycineta bicolor).

PB-63    Forin-Wiart Marie-Amélie – Use of 3D-accelerometers coupled with GPS-tags to investigate how often, when and where domestic cats (Felis silvestris catus) hunt.

PB-64    Cresswell Brian – Nightjar migration - new discoveries, and can we combine technology with people to learn more about small migratory birds?

PB-66    Queiroz Nuno – Oceanic habitat-use and activity patterns of large satellite-tracked blue sharks Prionace glauca in the North Atlantic: Linking behaviour with fisheries.

PB-68    Nielsen Mette – Head mounted accelerometers reveal the behavior of red deer (Cervus elaphus).

PB-69    Cox Samantha – Interactions between oceanography and the diving behaviour of a pelagic seabird, the Northern gannet Morus bassanus, in the Celtic Sea.

PB-70    Evans Thomas – Adjusting flight behaviour according to variable environmental conditions in a foraging marine gull.

PB-71    Kirk Holly – Identifying individual behavioural fidelity and migratory carryover effects in the Manx shearwater (Puffinus puffinus), from five colonies over five years, using a machine learning approach.

PB-73    Brownscombe Jacob – Quantifying foraging behaviour of fish using tri-axial accelerometer biologgers.

PB-74    Richard Gaëtan – Variation in body condition during the post-moult foraging trip of southern elephant seals and its consequences on diving behavior.

PB-75    Mate Bruce – Categorizing sperm whale dive types and possible foraging strategies using intermediate-duration Advanced Dive Behavior tags.

PB-77    Wensveen Paul – Does sonar ramp-up reduce the risk of exposure to high intensity sound? An experimental evaluation with humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae).

PB-79    Conners Melinda – To breed or not to breed? Implications of post-breeding foraging strategies on reproduction in Hawaiian albatrosses.

PB-80    Zajkova Zuzana – Individual activity strategies and circadian, circalunar and circannual activity in Boyd's shearwaters.

PB-81    White Connor – Activity patterns and thermoregulatory behavior of the invasive Burmese python, Python molurus bivittatus, in the Florida Everglades, USA.

PB-82    Beltran Roxanne – Using simple biologging metrics to inform dynamic bioenergetics models: a case study with Weddell seals.

PB-83    McLean Montana – Understanding the consequences of recreational angling stress on the biology and movement of White Sturgeon Acipenser transmontanus in the Lower Fraser River, British Columbia, Canada.

PB-84    Leblanc Bernard – Did you say 21 months of continuous tracking? The journey of a bowhead whale revealed.

PB-85    Lea James – Habitat use of reef sharks in the Amirantes, Seychelles, and its management implications.

PB-86    Silva João – Effects of temperature on daily activity patterns of the little bustard.

PB-87    Bogdanova Maria – Multi-colony tracking reveals spatio-temporal variation in carry-over effects between breeding and non-breeding seasons in a pelagic seabird species, the black-legged kittiwake.

PB-88    Robson Anthony A – Circadian behaviour of the tropical gastropod Trochus niloticus L. characterized by accelerometry.

PB-89    Bevan Richard – Spatial separation of seabird foraging areas.

PC-01    Gallon Susan – The moult in southern elephant seals: the cost of losing it all.

PC-02    Wright Alexandra – Heart rates of emperor penguins diving at sea: implications for oxygen store management.

PC-03    Mellish Jo-Ann – Thermal profiling in Weddell seals: Implications for understanding thermoregulation of an Antarctic marine mammal.

PC-04    Arnould John – Giving ODBA a shake: assessing the relationships between energy expenditure and accelerometer data in free-ranging animals.

PC-05    Hawkes Lucy – On the wing physiology of bar-headed goose migration.

PC-06    Lewden Agnès – An over-cost of being a pelagic bird: A possible energetic conflict between thermoregulation and digestive processes.

PC-07    Okuyama Junichi – Simultaneous measurements of breaths and energy expenditure reveal the dive tactics of sea turtles.

PC-08    Bastian Thomas – VeDBA: a possible 'count-free' proxy for estimating daily life physical activity energy expenditures from 3-axial accelerometry data in humans?

PC-09    Suzuki Ippei – Swim speed as a measurement to estimate cost of transport in diving otariids.

PC-11    Halsey Lewis – Accelerometry to quantify kinematic and energetic changes in flying pigeons after weight manipulations.

PC-12    Narazaki Tomoko – Analysis of gliding pattern of humpback whales during the feeding season.

PC-13    Tysse Brenda – Are drugs for life, or just for Christmas? Accelerometers reveal long-term changes in Ecstasy (MDMA) users.

PC-14    Brewster Lauran – Accelerometery to determine the field metabolic rate of marine predators.

PC-15    Cornelius Jamie – Measuring the energy cost of seasonal environmental challenges using heart rate transmitters in free-living songbirds.

PD-01    Moustahfid Hassan – Enabling animal acoustic telemetry data sharing and visualization.

PD-02    Kooyman Gerald – Why do satellite transmitters attached to emperor penguins stop transmitting?

PD-03    Cook Timothée – Bio-logging: a tool for integrating non-target top predators into an ecosystem approach to fisheries.

PD-04    Pistorius Pierre – An automated approach towards measuring time-activity budgets in colonial seabirds.

PD-05    Dettki Holger – Wireless Remote Animal Monitoring (WRAM) - A new international database e-infrastructure for management and sharing of telemetry sensor data from fish and wildlife.

PD-06    Jones T. Todd – Consequences of biotelemetry drag and the applicability of data to tag-free animals.

PD-07    Broell Franziska – Using High-frequency accelerometers to resolve fish activity and behavior in response to environmental variation.

PD-08    Spink Andrew – Innovative software for track analysis and behavior detection for wildlife from GPS together with other sensors.

PD-09    Martín López Lucia – A new insight into biomechanics and energetics: Magnetometer and/or gyroscope?

PD-10    Deruiter Stacy – Using Mahalanobis distance to summarise multi-sensor tag data.

PD-12    Zidek Jim – Characterizing uncertainty in the bio-logged paths of sea mammals.

PD-13    Boehme Lars – Integration of a miniaturized conductivity sensor into an animal-borne instrument.

PD-14    Thiebot Jean-Baptiste – Broken-stick modelling as a tool to infer change-points in migratory animal tracks.

PD-15    Dell'omo Giacomo – A smart-phone application to determine laying date and predict hatching time from eggs.

PD-16    Cleeland Jaimie – Flight and foraging behaviour: the albatross around the neck of geo-location.

PD-18    Noda Takuji – How buoyancy change is reflected to instantaneous angular velocity in diving seabirds?

PD-20    Lyon Warrick – Tracking the fine-scale real-time movements of smooth-hound sharks in a shallow water estuary.

PD-21    Dwyer Ross – Using long-term tracking data to understand social dynamics and predict human-crocodile conflict.

PD-22    Goetz Kimberly  – Assessing the accuracy of animal-borne CTD tags under laboratory and in-situ conditions.

PD-23    Andrews Russel – The Whale Lander and SpicyTalk - a solution for recording high-resolution behavior from cetaceans for days to weeks with a recoverable, archival transmitting tag.

PD-24    Horning Markus – Combining opportunistic re-encounter data with known fate mortality data in vital rate telemetry: linking implanted satellite transmitters to stationary receivers.

PD-25    Photopoulou Theoni – Efficient abstracting of dive profiles using a broken-stick model.

PD-26    Focardi Stefano – Contacts in the wild: innovations in biologging and the study of interactions among animals.

PD-27    Lopez Rémy – Robust algorithms for underwater tracking of pelagic fishes.

PD-28    Dwyer Ross – Evaluating estimates of space-use determined using GPS and passive acoustic telemetry.

PD-29    De La Torre Pedro – iSAT: tracking marine life from the surface.

PD-30    Handley Jonathan – Animal-borne camera loggers: Investigation for use in gentoo penguin foraging ecology.

PD-31    Pavlov Vadim – Parametric approach to the telemetry tags design for marine animals.

PD-32    Hoenner Xavier – Improved discoverability and usability of bio-logging data collected by the Australian Integrated Marine Observing System.

PD-33    Isojunno Saana – Sperm whale response to tag boat presence: biologically informed hidden state models quantify lost feeding opportunities.

PD-34    Enstipp Manfred – The effects of radio transmitter attachment on the behaviour and energetics of captive long-tailed ducks (Clangula hyemalis) during winter.

PD-35    Gleiss Adrian – Unravelling the secrets of tuna locomotion.

PD-36    Alves Jose – Using weather radars to monitor continent-wide aerial patterns of animal movement.

PD-38    Vandenabeele Sylvie – Balancing under the high wire; a study into transmitter antenna effects on a waterbird species, the western grebe.

PD-40    Shorter Kenneth – Reducing impact: design features to minimize hydrodynamic forces for suction cup tags on swimming animals.

PD-42    Ranguelova Elena – Merging expert knowledge and machine learning: towards an interactive Virtual Laboratory for classifying bio-logging data.

PD-43    Weise Michael – Toward a U.S. Animal Telemetry Network for U.S. oceans, coasts, and great lakes.

PD-44    Blight Clint – Using tidal and vertical datum corrections when comparing tag dive depths to local bathymetric data (or how we stopped our seals from burrowing).

PD-45    Nowacek Douglas – The next generation of multi-sensor tags: improving attachments of non-invasive tags with bio-compatible glues and microstructure.

PD-46    Chiaradia André – Can weighbridges be used to determine breeding dates remotely?

PD-47    Lopez Rémy – Improving Argos Doppler location using multiple-model smoothing.

PD-48    Lander Michelle – Development and field testing a satellite-linked fluorometer for marine mammals.

PD-49    Miyamoto Yoshinori – Construction of advanced biologging systems for high rates of data-recovery: a challenging study to clarify the dynamics of fish populations and communities.

PD-50    Holland Kim – Use of land-based Argos receiving stations to improve data collection from satellite tagged marine animals.

PD-51    Wilson Gwendoline Ixia – The eyes have it: A new concept tag for assessing gaze direction in people.

PD-52    Bevan Richard – Conservation grazing: whither do you wander?

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